Take Action

Take our quiz and based on results a goal tracker will be suggested.

Download the quiz

You can send the quiz by email after filling out the form online or you can send the quiz as an email attachment to: Feedback5210@flhealth.gov


Fruits and Veggies Tracker

Screen Time Tracker

Physical Activity Tracker

Beverage Tracker

5210 Brochure

Five Main Strategies

  1. Integrate physical activity every day in every way
  2. Make healthy food available everywhere
  3. Strengthen schools as the heart of health
  4. Empower employers to provide healthy worksites
  5. Market what matters for a healthy life

Four Healthy Places

  1. Early Care and Education
  2. Schools
  3. Communities
  4. Worksites

One Healthy Message

  • 5210 Let's Go!